chatGPT 에게 파이썬 코드를 활용해서 "QR코드"만드는 코드를 알려달라고 부탁해봤다.

Q:Please make a code for how to make a QR code using "python".


A: To generate a QR code using Python, you can use a library such as pyqrcode or qrcode. Here is an example of how you can use the pyqrcode library to generate a QR code image from a text string:

import pyqrcode

# Generate the QR code
qr = pyqrcode.create('This is the text that will be encoded in the QR code')

# Save the QR code as an SVG file
qr.svg('qr_code.svg', scale=8)

This will generate a QR code image that you can save as a file or display in your application. You can also customize the appearance of the QR code by specifying different options such as the error correction level or the module size.

For more information, you can refer to the documentation for the pyqrcode library:




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